Hope in a Sentence

God proved He loved the world by sending His one and only Son, Jesus, to die for our disobedience and rise from the dead so that anyone who trusts in Him won't perish eternally but have everlasting life.

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

An Apology

Dear Fans,

You have probably noticed that I've been most negligent in updating my blog. Rest assured, I am still breathing. But I wanted to give you some excuses as to why I've been such a slacker.

Basically, I do not currently have the internet in my home. Jason and I were splitting the cable bill with some gracious neighbors, and they have recently moved on to bigger and better things (literally... though they are thankfully still in the area :-).

While we have researched other internet options (mostly via old-fashioned technologies like the phone and personal recommendations), we haven't yet selected a service. Hence, no blog updates. (I'm typing this from my in-law's living room computer).

While some of you may be shocked that I could even live without the internet, I've been surprised at how productive this season of famine has been. I've had so much more time to actually write - just not blogs. Jason and I are working on a book and I'm happy to say that my contribution to it is 98% complete. Normally, I'm distracted by my email and facebook accounts and wind up neglecting my other writing projects.

And since Jason and I don't spend so many hours staring at our little glowing rectangle answering email or doing official bank stuff, we've had more time to do other things... like talk and watch movies... the second still involves a glowing rectangle, but I digress.

So, our plan is to get decisive soon and reinstate internet in the next couple months. And when that happens, I will endeavor to be a more faithful blogger.

Till then, have a swell summer!

1 comment:

  1. When we built the Hiding Place, I wanted no TV or internet service, but Johnny was incredulous. We decided to try it for a year. Wow! We loved it and so did everyone who came. Of course, that is not our permanent residence. Technology is helpful in our everyday lives, but we do need a break from those glowing rectangles now and then.

    Happy hunting! I hope you can find an affordable option, but I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation!
    You were gorgeous at the wedding. Your men were pretty adorable, too. :-)
    Fondly, gaye
